“You will conceive and give birth to a son. Now then, drink no wine or other fermented drink.” ( Judges 13:7) In ancient Carthage, a ritual developed that forbade the drinking of wine by the bridal couple so that a defective child would not be conceived. […]
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FASD is 100% preventable. If women did not drink alcohol during pregnancy, there would be no more children born with FASD. Even drinking on a social basis can have an effect on your unborn child (even a glass of wine with dinner or a can of beer watching TV. IT IS NEVER TOO LATE TO STOP DRINKING – your child will be better off. “Many thing we need can wait, the child cannot. Now is […]
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FASD lasts a lifetime and creates countless problems for everyone. Individuals with FASD must contend with stress, obstacles, loneliness and failure at levels that exceed those experienced by most people. The amount of change that a child with FASD can accomplish on his own is seldom enough to get him successfully through life. PREPARING PEOPLE WITH FASD FOR LIFE Protective measures that can alleviate some problems include: living in a stable and nurturing home protection […]
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3. What are the theories about causes of ADD,ADHD? There have been many theories about the cause of ADD/ADHD but there is no consensus among the experts. a) brain injury – caused by trauma or disease – this was one of the first theories however current thinking suggests that this causes relatively few cases b) delayed brain maturation – the brain is simply slow in developing some of its functions and it will eventually catch […]
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The medical community uses the term “diagnosis drives treatment”. This means that a correct diagnosis must be made before a treatment is prescribed. This is quite straight forward with many medical problems (examples – throat infections, cancer, heart attacks, broken bones, abscess tooth, etc) as there are diagnostic tests that can definitively identify the problem (examples – blood tests, bacterial cultures, MRI, biopsies, X rays, etc). The problem diagnosing ADD/ADHD (and many other problems in […]
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