Four bad things can happen to a developing baby exposed to alcohol in utero: – functional deficits – growth deficiency – malformation – death Full blown FASD is only the “tip of the iceberg”. The largest part of the iceberg is comprised of those individuals who appear “normal” but are unable to meet their potential. In previous years these individuals may have been diagnosed as having FAE (Fetal Alcohol Effect). FAE is a term that […]
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A big thank you to the staff at St. Andrew’s School in Kashechewan for your kindness and the opportunity to share ideas about behaviour management. Kashechewan is a First Nations community of about 2,500 people in Canada’s subarctic. It is situated near the mouth of the Albany River on James Bay.
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COLUMBINE HIGH SCHOOL 1999 – the two perpetrators (both committed suicide) – one was being treated for psychiatric disorder – both in trouble with the law – both were socially isolated “losers” – both had been bullied – both enduring pain This was a big story in 1999 but it is not the biggest story – most teens suffer alone, invisibly and their eventual suicides never make to TV news […]
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children usually outgrow them they are a normal part of development they are vehicles which teach children: how to cope with frustration – how to problem solve – communication skills 4. there are a number of strategies parents can use to teach these skills and numerous ideas about preventing them WARNING – the parent’s understanding about tantrums and their appropriate response to one is critical for the healthy development of children. How do tantrums make […]
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What options does a parent have when seeking help for their child’s behaviour problems? Parents who ask for my help have usually experienced many of the following emotions: frustration misunderstood confused overwhelmed exhausted bewildered angry guilty inadequate isolated vulnerable trapped embarrassed helpless hopeless This is not a fun place for a parent to be and not a healthy place for a child to grow. I am not usually the first person that parents ask to […]
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