Being a camp counselor is the ultimate summer job. You will spend your days hanging out with kids who will look up to you as a hero. You will develop life skills in leadership, communication, problem-solving and teamwork. This 3 hour online course will provide you with the skills required to effectively manage groups of excited, rambunctious kids while also acting as a positive role model, creating a fun supportive environment within the camp (519) […]
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Behavioural Management Systems’ renowned course is now offered online or in person. This 6 hour course has been presented throughout Ontario to numerous school boards (public, separate & private), children’s mental health treatment centres, camp counsellors, First Nation reserves, daycare centres, community colleges, Children’s Aid Societies, etc. It is especially relevant to educational assistants assigned to work with students with concerning behaviour issues and can become an integral part of the student’s I.E.P. Participants in […]
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ADHD MEDICATIONS AND FUTURE SUBSTANCE ABUSE I am frequently asked by parents of children taking stimulant medications for ADHD if they are at an increased risk for future substance abuse. Research suggests that children with ADHD do have a tendency towards future abuse problems at a rate 2 to 3 times that of children without ADHD, but the research does not indicate that it is the medication that causes this increased risk. Research recently published […]
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The following people are reported to have ADD /ADHD ! Beethoven Elvis Bill Gates Henry Ford Robin williams Socrates Mozart Winston Churchill Alexander Graham Bell Picasso Napoleon Jim Carey John Lennon Howie Mandel J.F.K. Bill Cosby Louis Pasteur Michael Jordan A diagnosis of ADD /ADHD is not something one would wish for, but it obviously does not need to prevent one from accomplishing great things.
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Quotes from the medical majority: “To suggest that ADHD is a fraud, that somehow children are being abused by these treatments, is really an outrage because for these kids to not get treated is really the greatest abuse and neglect” (Harold Koplewicz M.D.) “A disorder doesn’t have to have a blood test to be valid. If that were the case, all mental disorders would be invalid – schizophrenia, bipolar, Tourette’s – all would be thrown […]
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