3 steps to managing children with FASD a) Recognize that FASD is a medical condition – FASD is not a bad attitude – it must be treated as a medical condition – society has denied this reality of FASD and blames the indivivual – “just sit down and behave” is unrealistic – punishing a child with FASD for brain damage is useless – society (homes, schools, treatment centres, hospitals, jail) seldom provide adequate […]
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Often times individuals with FASD do not display the physical features associated with FASD. Their appearance does not give any hint of the neurological problems that are hidden. Individuals with invisible handicaps are: easy to forget about their limitations easy to not provide compassion, understanding and forgiveness Children and adults with FASD need incredible amounts of: consistency reinforcement creativity time compassion understanding perseverance forgiveness repetition The more dysfunctional – the more of EVERYTHING
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It is easy for us to to fail to recognize and respect the struggle and courage it takes for someone with FASD to make it through the day! We must remember: that irreversible brain damage occurred before birth FASD individuals will not “will power” their way out of it caregivers cannot “love” their way out of it children with FASD are difficult to rear and teach BUT IT IS NOT IMPOSSIBLE
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The following is an excerpt from a book by Carol Fitzpatrick and John Sharry. Case Study: “Debbie, aged 13, has not been to school for 8 weeks. She got the flu 3 months ago and was out of school for a week. She was determined to get back as quickly as possible as she is a conscientious student who works very hard and who likes to be and expects to be at the top of […]
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MYTH VERSUS FACT Knowing truth from fiction can make the difference! Myth: Teens who talk about suicide never do. Fact: Most of the time, people who attempt suicide have provided significant clues to their intentions. Myth: Nothing can stop someone once he has decided to take his own life. Fact: Most adolescents who contemplate suicide are torn. They are in pain and want their suffering to end. They don’t necessarily want to die […]
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