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If you are headed in the wrong direction as a parent - you are allowed to make a U-turn.

"Cutting" is a visible sign to the world that you are hurting.

"Moody" and "unpredictable" are adjectives parents will often use when referring to their teenagers.

"Parents aren't the cause of ADHD, but they are part of the solution." (Kenny Handleman, M.D.)

Setting limits teaches your children valuable skills they will use the rest of their lives. One day, they will report to a job where their ability to follow rules will dictate their success.

Children fare better when expectations on them are clear and firm.

If it  was going to be easy to raise kids, it never would have started with something called "labour".

We should not medicate the boys so they fit the school; we should change the school to fit the boy. (Leonard Sax, M.D. Ph.D)

It is what we say and do when we're angry that creates the very model our children will follow when dealing with their own frustrations.

Removing a child from a traumatic environment does not remove the trauma from the child's memory.

Learn more.

Getting to Dry – continued

Bladder Training (Part 3 – continued)
There was an interesting experiment a few years ago at a hospital in Helsinki, Finland. The researchers divided a number of enuretic children ranging in age from 6 to 13 into 2 groups.
One group was repeatedly instructed NOT to drink anything at all in the evening. The other group was urged to drink more than normal during the entire day.
By the end of the experimental period, the fluid restricted group’s average functional bladder capacity had decreased by 9%. None of the children in this group stopped wetting, however 17% were wet less often.
The children in the second group were encouraged to drink throughout the day. They received no other instructions or handling.
By the end of the experiment, the group’s functional bladder capacity had increased by 20%, 33% of the children had stopped wetting entirely and 39% were wetting less often.
The researchers concluded:
– more fluid intact = more urine production = larger functional
bladder capacity = dry bed
The key to this experiment was to load up on water throughout the day.

How much water – it appears the more the better !

Next post – I will give some advice that parents have shared with me regarding implementing bladder training.

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+ Taming a Toddler

Many parents wonder what hit them when their sweet little baby turns into an unreasonable toddler – ideas for dealing with mealtime, bedtime, temper tanturms, toilet training, noncompliance, etc.

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Parents' Comments

“Our daughter was the joy of our life until she turned 13, then all hell broke loose. Rick helped us understand what was happening to her and we made some adjustments that helped us get through it. She’s now in University and doing well.”

(D.A. – St. Thomas)