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Good parenting requires sacrifice. Childhood lasts for only a few brief years , but it should be given priority while it is passing before your eyes

The more 2 parents differ in their approaches to discipline, the more likely it leads to trouble for the child.

Children fare better when expectations on them are clear and firm.

Wouldn't it be nice if children would simply listen and learn.

Some hope their children will be like sponges soaking up the truth and wisdom imparted by their parents. However appealing this philosophy might be, it seldom seems to catch on with their children.

Whining and crying are employed by kids for the purpose of getting something. If it works, then it was worth the effort and will be repeated.

"Parents aren't the cause of ADHD, but they are part of the solution." (Kenny Handleman, M.D.)

It is what we say and do when we're angry that creates the very model our children will follow when dealing with their own frustrations.

Criticism is not a motivator.

"Cutting" is a visible sign to the world that you are hurting.

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Did You Know ? # 1

A newborn will suck harder when he/she hears a recording of her/his mother speaking, but less so when she hears another woman’s voice. This is how we know that from birth, infants recognize mom’s voice.


Just after birth, as many as 40,000 new synapses are added to the baby’s brain every second.

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+ Behaviour Management (now available online)

This full day or 2 evening workshop will introduce you […]

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+ A Parent’s Guide to the Teenage Brain

  A teenager’s brain is not just an adult brain […]

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+ Reading Rescue

A program for children with reading problems

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+ A Guided Tour of ADHD (now available online)

This workshop will present the facts, myths, misconceptions, controversy and […]

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2720 Rath Street, Putnam, Ontario

Phone: (519) 485-4678
Fax: (519) 485-0281

Email: info@rickharper.ca


Parents' Comments

“Implementing Rick’s techniques and adhering to them is exhausting, but it is a healthy exhaustion rather than the detrimental exhaustion I used to experience.”

(B.F. – Woodstock)