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Setting limits teaches your children valuable skills they will use the rest of their lives. One day, they will report to a job where their ability to follow rules will dictate their success.

Many clinicians find it easier to tell parents their child has a brain-based disorder than suggest parenting changes. Jennifer Harris (psychiatrist)

Adolescence can be the cruelest place on earth. It can really be heartless.  ( Tori Amos)

If you are headed in the wrong direction as a parent - you are allowed to make a U-turn.

"To be a man, a boy must see a man."  (J.R. Moehringer)

Children do not develop on their own - they only develop within relationships.

Being a parent of a teenager can cure a person of narcissism.

"Cutting" is a visible sign to the world that you are hurting.

"Unexpressed feeling never die. They are buried alive and come back later in ugly ways." (Stephen Covey)

The more 2 parents differ in their approaches to discipline, the more likely it leads to trouble for the child.

Learn more.

Stimulant Meds for ADHD

Stimulant medications (eg. Ritalin, Adderall, Concerta, Focalin, Dexedrine, Metadate, Methylin, Vyvanse) are the mainstay of medical treatment for ADHD. They have proven quite effective in controlling the symptoms of ADHD with relatively minor and manageable side effects.

There is however some disturbing findings coming from research initiated at Harvard Medical School by Dr. William Carlezon. Investigators have discovered that juvenile laboratory animals given stimulant medications display a loss of motivation when they grow up. These animals look normal, but they are lazy. Further investigations at the Univ. of Michigan, Medical School of South Carolina, Univ. of Pittsburgh, Brown Univ., Tufts Univ. and UCLA as well as schools in Sweden, Italy and the Netherlands have concluded that exposing young animals to these medications – even at low doses for short periods of time – can cause permanent damage to the nucleus accumbens, the part of the brain that is responsible for translating motivation into actions. (Dr. Leonard Sax – Boys Adrift – Basic Books 2007)

These studies are still in the early stages. The risks are not proven. Researchers do not know for sure whether the damage caused in the brains of animal also occur in children who take the same meds.

Stay tuned.

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+ Behaviour Management (now available online)

This full day or 2 evening workshop will introduce you […]

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+ A Parent’s Guide to the Teenage Brain

  A teenager’s brain is not just an adult brain […]

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+ Reading Rescue

A program for children with reading problems

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+ A Guided Tour of ADHD (now available online)

This workshop will present the facts, myths, misconceptions, controversy and […]

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Parents' Comments

“Implementing Rick’s techniques and adhering to them is exhausting, but it is a healthy exhaustion rather than the detrimental exhaustion I used to experience.”

(B.F. – Woodstock)