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We should not medicate the boys so they fit the school; we should change the school to fit the boy. (Leonard Sax, M.D. Ph.D)

Hurt people hurt people.

Children do not develop on their own - they only develop within relationships.

If it  was going to be easy to raise kids, it never would have started with something called "labour".

You cannot reason with someone who is being unreasonable.

If you (parents) tend to overreact to your child's misbehaviour - your child learns that he can't trust you. Mom, Dad, stay regulated!

Removing a child from a traumatic environment does not remove the trauma from the child's memory.

"Unexpressed feeling never die. They are buried alive and come back later in ugly ways." (Stephen Covey)

Whining and crying are employed by kids for the purpose of getting something. If it works, then it was worth the effort and will be repeated.

"Cutting" is a visible sign to the world that you are hurting.

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The History of Ritalin and ADHD

In 1937, a psychiatrist by the name of Charles Bradley prescribed amphetamines to 32 children with behaviour problems who were suffering from extreme headaches as a result of a procedure called pneumoencephalography (ie. spinal tap – analyzing fluid in the spine). He was hoping the amphetamines would relieve the pain. The amphetamine (benzedrine) did little for the headaches, but teachers noted 17 of the children experienced a striking improvement in their school work and behaviour. The children themselves noted their improvement and called the medicine “arithmetic pills”

Bradley published his observations in several medical journals but 25 years passed before anyone attempted to replicate his observations and another couple decades passed before stimulants (ritalin) became widely used for ADHD.

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+ Behaviour Management (now available online)

This full day or 2 evening workshop will introduce you […]

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+ A Parent’s Guide to the Teenage Brain

  A teenager’s brain is not just an adult brain […]

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+ Reading Rescue

A program for children with reading problems

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+ A Guided Tour of ADHD (now available online)

This workshop will present the facts, myths, misconceptions, controversy and […]

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Parents' Comments

“Our psychiatrist recommended Rick to help us sort out behaviour management issues for our autistic son. He was an invaluable help.”

(C.C. – Sarnia)