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"Unexpressed feeling never die. They are buried alive and come back later in ugly ways." (Stephen Covey)

Criticism is not a motivator.

Good parenting requires sacrifice. Childhood lasts for only a few brief years , but it should be given priority while it is passing before your eyes

"Parents aren't the cause of ADHD, but they are part of the solution." (Kenny Handleman, M.D.)

Children do not develop on their own - they only develop within relationships.

Adolescence can be the cruelest place on earth. It can really be heartless.  ( Tori Amos)

Parents are the external regulator for kids who cannot regulate themselves.

The more 2 parents differ in their approaches to discipline, the more likely it leads to trouble for the child.

The mistake that Sharon and I both made is we never set any boundaries.  (Ozzy Osbourne)

Early intervention is always better than crisis management - but it is never too late to do the right thing.

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Tactics for Tantrums (Part 2)



Tactic # 3

The “I” Approach

This method is related to the previous “I Feel” technique. For the child who is more verbal and beginning to reason, a simple explanation of the parent’s feelings often help; for example, “It makes me unhappy (or uneasy, nervous, angry, upset) to see you act like this.”

This provides another context  for encouraging expression of feelings in terms of “I”. That is, there is more than a shade of difference between the comment “You are acting foolish and making me unhappy (which labels the child’s motive as bad and unhealthy) and a comment such as “When I see this I feel unhappy” ( which puts the label on the the parent where it belongs). The parent can also suggest that if the child ceases this behaviour, she will make the parent feel better and happier. This demonstrates to the child that there are other feelings to consider and that she is capable of improving another’s mood by a change in her own actions.

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Parents' Comments

“Our psychiatrist recommended Rick to help us sort out behaviour management issues for our autistic son. He was an invaluable help.”

(C.C. – Sarnia)