Behaviour Management (now available online)
Behavioural Management Systems’ renowned course is now offered online or in person. This 6 hour course has been presented throughout Ontario to numerous school boards (public, separate & private), children’s mental health treatment centres, camp counsellors, First Nation reserves, daycare centres, community colleges, Children’s Aid Societies, etc.
It is especially relevant to educational assistants assigned to work with students with concerning behaviour issues and can become an integral part of the student’s I.E.P.
Participants in this course will be provided with the “tools” and skills to:
a) conduct a comprehensive behaviour assessment
b) determine the “function” of the child’s behaviours
c) determine the most appropriate interventions
d) implement the behaviour program
d) conduct an ongoing evaluation
The course comes complete with a comprehensive handouts, a Certificate of Training and can be arranged on short notice.
Phone or e-mail for more info. (519) 485-4678 OR