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If there is no relationship - nothing else matters !

It's more effective to reward your child for being "good" (appropriate) than to punish him for being "bad" (inappropriate).

Wouldn't it be nice if children would simply listen and learn.

The challenge of adolescence is to balance the right of the parents to feel they are in charge with the need of the adolescent to gain independence.

Being a parent of a teenager can cure a person of narcissism.

Don't wait for him to turn 10 before you reveal that you are not in fact the hired help whose job it is to clean up after him.

Criticism is not a motivator.

We should not medicate the boys so they fit the school; we should change the school to fit the boy. (Leonard Sax, M.D. Ph.D)

Removing a child from a traumatic environment does not remove the trauma from the child's memory.

"Moody" and "unpredictable" are adjectives parents will often use when referring to their teenagers.

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Teen Issues # 4 – Boundaries



All teenagers want the freedom to do what they want when they want. They need to learn that freedom is earned and that they can gain freedom by demonstrating responsibility. Adolescence is the time in life when kids are supposed to learn this lesson.

By the same token, parents need to be able to recognize when they are being over controlling and when they are being responsible and appropriate about saying “no”. They need to be able to make this distinction in order to do their job: helping teens learn responsibility and self-control so that they use freedom appropriately in the real world. To do this, parents must help teens learn boundaries.

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+ Behaviour Management (now available online)

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+ A Parent’s Guide to the Teenage Brain

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+ Reading Rescue

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+ Taming a Toddler

Many parents wonder what hit them when their sweet little baby turns into an unreasonable toddler – ideas for dealing with mealtime, bedtime, temper tanturms, toilet training, noncompliance, etc.

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Parents' Comments

“I wish we had found Rick 2 years ago. We could have saved ourselves and our son a lot of trouble.”

(T.T. – Byron)