Most parents of newborns manage pretty well for the first year but as soon a the stubborn, self-centred, unreasonable toddler appears, many parents wonder what has hit them. Small children have an uncanny ability to unravel an adult nervous system. They are noisy and they make incredible messes and they bicker with one another and their noses drip and they scratch the furniture and they have more energy in their little fingers than mom has […]
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There are 2 types of tantrums: manipulative (child is trying to get his own way – conscious, planned, controlled) temperamental (child can’t help it – he is truly “out of control”) Both types can look the same and one form can lead into another. A temperamental tantrum acquires a manipulative quality when the child comes to understand the value of what he’s is doing. Guidelines to Help Distinguish the Two Types the manipulative tantrum is […]
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