0 to 8 months Infants less than 8 months old do not have “temper tantrums” Crying or fussing is their way of communicating a need to you, whether it be hunger, diaper change, nap, change of position, or they simply don’t feel well. You should respond to your baby and attempt to identify the problem and “fix” it. Next post will look at tantrums for children 9 months old to 18 months.
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The following is a summary of the criteria in DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) and describes what doctors look for when diagnosing ADD or ADHD. A. INATTENTION ( the individual must display 6 or more of these characteristics) makes careless mistakes difficulty sustaining attention doesn’t seem to listen does not finish schoolwork, chores or duties difficulty organizing tasks and activities avoids tasks that require sustained mental effort easily distracted forgetful and/or B. […]
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