I wish to thank Carrie Davidson of the Brant County CAS for inviting me to share ideas with your foster/adoption parents on March 27. The topic was “Fostering – Take This Job and Shove Love it”. We looked at a unique perspective on handling the stress in our everyday lives and the added stress of taking children into our homes. Foster / adoption parents are incredible people ?
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I am pleased to once again be invited by the Parent Council of Davenport Public School in Aylmer to present a free workshop on April 9. The Parent Council has opened this training up to anyone who has an interest in teenagers. Title: Parenting a Teenager Without Losing Your Mind Place: Davenport Public School 80 Rutherford Ave. Aylmer, Ontario Date: April 9, 2013 Time: 6:30 – 8:30 P.M. Topics: Developmental […]
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