Congratulations are extended to the Fanshawe College students who are just completing their academic semester in the Child & Youth Worker program at the Woodstock campus. It is a 3 year diploma program that equips students to work in classrooms, group homes, treatment centres, detention facilities, etc. The program involves 3 academic semesters plus 3 field placement semesters. I have been privileged to teach a psychology course to the first year students who will be […]
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I will be presenting a workshop entitled “It’s a Guy Thing, It’s a Girl Thing” at the Woodstock campus of Fanshawe College on May 16 from 6:30 to 9:30 PM. Enclosed is a description: “Be prepared for an “aha” experience. Are boys different from girls? Do they think, play, learn, hear, talk differently? Finally modern science can now explain the many gender differences that influence every aspect of our lives. Understanding these differences will help […]
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I recently had the opportunity to present 2 different workshops for foster and adoptive parents through the London and Middlesex Children’s Aid Society. 20 people attended “Fostering – Take This Job and Love It” on February 29 and 27 people attended “The Difficult Child” on March 21. Feedback from both events was very positive with comments such as: – “excellent handouts that will prove helpful tomorrow and into the future” – “wonderful speaker, fast paced, […]
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