DIFFERENCES IN SYMPTOMS IN ADULTS & TEENS ADULTS tend to be sad stay sad sleep less eat less decrease in libido no change in anxiety no change in physical problems Teens tend to be angry, irrational, act out cycles in and out frequently sleep more eat more libido seldom impaired increased anxiety complains of somatic symptoms There is a marked increase in irritability which is frequently evident in young people leading to family conflicts. […]
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There are no definitive lab tests for FASD. The clues to recognition lie in the subtle interplay of physical and psychological characteristics and a mother’s alcohol history. Diagnosis is based on: 1. a complete physical examination 2. a thorough maternal history Lab tests may be used to rule out other causes of similar looking disorders including: – deLange syndrome – Noonan syndrome – Dubowitz syndrome – Stickler syndrome -X-linked mental deficiency – fetal hydontoin syndrome […]
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