Frequency of Depression
Depression is increasing in numbers.
Is it because:
- incidents of depression is increasing
- more services are available
- families are more willing to seek help
- greater recognition
Depression in adults is relatively easy to diagnose:
- there is a pronounced change in mood
- changes persist
- adults usually acknowledge the problem
- adults have some mature insights
- they are usually motivated to “fix” it
Depression in young people is harder to diagnose
- is he/she depressed or just being a teenager
- he cycles frequently: depressed, happy, depressed
- rarely asks for help
- often reluctant to see a therapist
- denies there is a problem
Depression in young people was not identified until 1989.
Depression in young people is probably under diagnosed and therefore untreated – causing much unnecessary misery
It is the opinion of many “experts” that the rate of depression in young people exceeds the rate in adults