Quotes from the Medical Minority re: ADD/ADHD
As mentioned in a previous blog, there is no consensus among the medical community regarding the cause and treatments for ADD/ADHD. In fact there are even doctors who question whether ADD/ADHD even exists. This medical minority believe that the individuals diagnosed with this disorder are nothing more than people who occupy one extreme end of the range of some behavioural characteristics.
Note the following quotes from some of the medical minority:
“Research does not confirm the existence of ADD/ADHD” . (David Johnson M.D.
“There is no consistent evidence for an underlying physical or chemical cause.” (Gerald S. Golden M.D.)
“We have invented a disease , given it medical sanction, and now must disown it. The major question is how do we go about destroying the monster we have created. It is not easy to do this and still save face, another reason why physicians and many researchers with years of funding and an academic reputation to protect, are reluctant to believe the data.”
(Diane McGuinness M.D.)
My own (non medical) viewpoint is that clearly some people genuinely do have problems with attention, impulsivity and hyperactivity and benefit greatly from medical treatment.