What Does a Child With ADHD Look Like?
It is not unusual for children to forget their homework, act impulsively or fidget at the dinner table. but children with ADHD are particularly prone to these types of behaviour. It can be however, difficult to distinguish between ADHD and normal childhood tendencies. If you identify a few of the following traits or the symptoms only occur in some situations, it’s probably not ADHD. However if you see a number of symptoms in different situations, it would be a wise decision to have an evaluation by a qualified professional.
- can’t sit still
- impulsive
- distractible
- distracting
- inattentive
- disregard rules
- doesn’t seem to learn from mistakes
- major school problems
- causes stress within families
- few friends – “bugs” others
- punishments and rewards seem ineffective
- noncompliant
- extreme mood swings
- few inhibitions
- dreamer
- fidgets
- noisy , talks excessively
- fingers, legs constantly wiggling
- interrupts conversations
- invades others space
- asks irrelevant questions
- others view child as disrespectful, needy
- blurts out answers
- can’t wait
- difficulty finishing assignments
- disorganized
- “careless” mistakes
- procrastinations
- forgetful
- squirming
- running and climbing when it is inappropriate
- loud
- always on the go
- trouble participating in sedentary activities (ie. circle time at school)
- impatient
- difficulty delaying gratification
- unaware of danger
- not listening to instructions
It is vitally important to remember that your child is not doing these behaviours on purpose. They are happening because of the way his/her brain is working. Help is available for the child and parents.