Biochemical Approach to Treating ADD/ADHD
One of the treatment approaches to helping a child with ADD/ADHD is biochemical or pills. The medical community by in large endorses the theory that ADD/ADHD is caused by an imbalance of the neurotransmitters in the brain. The treatment frequently recommended by doctors is to give the child a pill that will bring the neurotransmitters into balance. Some of the more commonly prescribed meds include Ritalin, Concerta, Strattera (there are a number of others). Doctors are unsure exactly how these meds work but the theory suggests that they act upon the executive functioning parts of the brain and help the child become less impulsive and consequently think before he acts. These medications are very effective with a significant percentage of children diagnosed with ADD/ADHD and frequently result in dramatically improved behaviour. There are of course side effects that can be troubling and my next posting will outline some of these problems.
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