TRACKING – a tool for teaching appropriate behaviour
Many children with FASD have difficulty with sequencing and seeing cause and effect. Life seems to be a series of randomly unrelated events. “Tracking” means to help the child recall an event or situation and its resulting consequences. Bedtime is a good time for “tracking” as he may be more ready to listen (a teachable moment). We want him / her to begin to connect the dots” of life. It may need to be repeated many times before the child begins to make the connections. It is particularly useful for reoccurring problem times: eg. church, shopping, going for a walk, playing with peers, etc. It is also valuable to “track” events where the child made “good” choices as you are able to reinforce those times as well. It is very important that your tone be supportive rather than harsh during the tracking sessions in order to retain the “teachable moment”.